今天刊登的是来自ValeyVast 英语俱乐部的Mantis小朋友的投稿。往年,Mantis小朋友会回成都看望自己的祖父母。他们喜欢吃虾,因为虾的样子像笑脸。Mantis一家人也会下面吃,因为面条象征着长寿。今年则不同,因为新冠疫情Mantis只能呆在家里。他说,“新冠病毒强大,但是中国更强大。”让我们起来读一读他的作文吧。
作品:《Chinese New Year for my Family》
作者:李东尔(Mantis)8岁 进才实验小学二(14)班
Chinese New Year is a traditional holiday which is the most important festival for Chinese people. The reason for that is that the coming of Chinese New Year means the beginning of a whole new year.
When Chinese New Year comes, we usually go to Cheng Du where I can meet my grandparents. We like to eat some delectable food. We like to eat shrimp. The reason for that is that the shrimp looks like a happy face. We also like to eat noodles, because we think noodles mean long life. Besides of that, we also play fireworks.
But this Year is different, because there is a virus called corona virus. Corona virus is very dangerous, so this year, we can’t go outside, and we need to put on masks. Corona virus is very strong, but China is stronger.