


【BBC:列周永康關係網+強調薄熙來+‘most feared'】


Zhou Yongkang was allegedly the most feared and powerful senior official before he retired two years ago from the pinnacle of China's decision-making body.


Bo's downfall was seen as the biggest political shake-up to hit China's ruling elite in decades, and revealed divisions at the top of the party over how the scandal should be handled.


【Business insider: 嚴肅的習大大+直譯通姦】



it's hard to say whether Zhou, who was an oil executive before he took over China's internal security agency, was any more corrupt than any of the tigers still in power. It's also hard to say whether this corruption drive is really just Xi's way of consolidating power.

It's probably both.

報導直接翻譯了新華社通稿,其中“與多名女性通姦並進行權色、錢色交易。直譯為“a number of female adultery and the right color, the color of money transaction."



The former security chief, Zhou Yongkang, is the highest-ranking party leader to be prosecuted since the Gang of Four, including Mao Zedong’s widow, Jiang Qing, were put on trial 34 years ago in the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution.



報導提及了通姦,翻譯成了salacious personal activity.

The report leveled a number of accusations including the loss of state assets, his alleged promotion of family members and salacious personal activity.


The downfall of Mr. Zhou appears to provide solid evidence of President Xi’s determination to remake party politics in the world’s most populous nation. Since the first days as China’s leader, Mr. Xi has pressed an anticorruption crusade that soon appeared to zero in on Mr. Zhou.