附:公开信全文如下Opposing Ofcom’s Ban on CGTN and Defending Free Speech反对英国通讯管理局对CGTN的禁令 捍卫言论自由Ofcom’s decision to remove the broadcasting license of CGTN – China’s English language TV channel – is an act of censorship which is not in the interests of Britain and its people. It is well known, and publicly acknowledged, that CGTN is a Chinese state broadcaster and viewers can therefore take this into account in judging its services and broadcasts. As a state television broadcaster, CGTN’s status is simi
图源:视频截图海外网12月1日电 美国密歇根州一对夫妇在感恩节前两天一同去世,他们已经结婚47年,死因同为新冠肺炎。据美国全国广播公司(NBC)报道,11月24...